

At VIP Cosmetic Clinic, we respect the individuality of each client. We recognize that lifestyles vary greatly from person to person. Your requirements are unique and your hair is unlike anyone else’s. Our technicians and stylists are experts in determining precisely what it is you want with your new hair and then proceed to give you exactly that.


The world’s first non-surgical skin graft hair replacement technology

To begin, Cosmetic Transdermal Reconstruction™ is the world’s first non-surgical skin graft hair replacement procedure, based entirely on the emerging science of Applied Virtual Skin Technology™ . The end result of nearly two decades of continuous research and development, CTR™ has achieved that, which just a few short years ago, was thought to be impossible. That is, the application of hair directly to the scalp in a safe, dermatologically correct fashion. Hair that literally becomes a physical part of you, not something you wear. Seamless and invisible, non-invasive and completely reversible, requiring no daily maintenance.

Simply stated, it is without peer in achieving a level of cosmetic realism, never before dreamed possible… pushing the envelope of non-detection to its outermost limits.


To determine the actual area of reconstruction, a scalp impression faithfully reproduces the exact area of reconstruction. This measurement, when evaluated with your own hair growth pattern, determines directional flow of hair and precise graft placement. This enables us to apply hair only to those areas where hair is needed (including receding hair lines and thinning areas) eliminating the lumps, bumps, ridges and seams common to virtually all other methods of hair restoration.

“I was with another company for four years and thought ‘this is as good as it gets’, but after trying CTR from VIP Cosmetic Clinic, it was like changing from a Pinto to a Mercedes Benz.”


The CTR™ grafts, created to duplicate the exact characteristics of the client’s own hair, can be compared to a soft contact lens which becomes one with the scalp. To the extreme degree of cosmetic realism afforded by this stand alone procedure, each graft is developed using a proprietary multi-layer, copolymer technology with a relative edge thickness so thin it literally deifies detection to the conscious, probing touch. Years of observation have shown the CTR™ graft application to be completely permeable, allowing the scalp to function in a normal fashion.


Immediately prior to applying the CTR™ graft, the client’s scalp is prepared to exact dermatological standards. Similar to receiving a facial, the client experiences a very pleasurable hygienic protocol of deep cleansing, exfoliation and astringent treatments. This protocol is performed using only our CERTIFIED™ scalp care products developed exclusively for use with CTR™.


On some individuals, depending on hair style, recession and bone structure, it is desired to create a new secondary frontal hairline by applying individual hairs directly to the scalp. This is accomplished utilizing our proprietary Transdermal Retention Solution™ and provides a soft transition from bare scalp to an appropriately dense front hairline. With continuing advancements in CTR™ technology, virtually any type of hairline, wet, dry or even combed straight back, can now be achieved.


Using our exclusive multi-disciplinary approach to medical/surgical grade adherents with cross linking: technology, the transdermal graft is applied directly to the scalp in the site-specific area of hair loss. This new, non-invasive procedure enables us to use your own growing hair to its fullest extent, while providing a level of comfort and relentless security never before dreamed possible.



When complete, CTR™ clearly becomes the new benchmark which all other methods of hair loss intervention will be compared:

  • seamless and transparent (no lumps, bumps, ridges)
  • eliminates daily maintenance (no tape or clips)
  • hair appears to grow right from scalp
  • literally becomes a physical part of you (not something you wear)
  • site-specific (adds hair only where needed)
  • virtually undetectable (cannot be seen or felt)
  • Cosmetic transdermal reconstruction™ is available in major cities worldwide. VIP Cosmetic Clinic has been chosen and trained to exclusively perform this extraordinary breakthrough procedure.




There are currently five proprietary TRS™ formulations which are used in the application of CTR™. All formulations have undergone extensive Primary Dermal Irritation testing to determine any potential adverse effects that may be experienced through the use of these formulations. Testing is conducted regularly by the independent testing facility MB Research Laboratories and all formulations are manufactured by ISO9000 certified laboratories. Additionally, all formulations are certified to meet or exceed FDA CFR 175.105 standards and exhibit no levels of cyto-toxicity. Independent laboratory test results are available for your review at any of our affiliated, certified CTR™ centers.



CTR™ continues to make a significant impact in the hair loss industry. Nearly two decades of research and testing have gone into the development of CTR™ which continues to this day. If you are investigating other procedures, we strongly advise you to ask the following:

What type of adhesive or adherent will be used?
Where is the independent laboratory report documenting safety? (Do not accept a msds report as no or limited dermal testing is required to complete one)
How long has their technology been in development?
How many individual applications have been performed since it’s inception?

This is important information for you to know, and we encourage and support your right to documentation.

In addition to our exclusive process we also offer every other type of hair replacement system available in the market. Human or synthetic hair, customized or ready made, all polyurethane base, all lace base, all monofilament base and different combination bases priced from $500. With do-it yourself attachments and numerous permanent attachments done professionally, the client would be required to come in between every 3-6 weeks.

We will not only match our competitors price and product, we will do better.

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While genetics, hormones and stress are leading factors for hair loss in women, there are many other factors can also play important roles in female thinning or hair loss. Here are some of the other reasons why women experience hair loss and come in for hair transplant and hair restoration treatments at our Toronto office:

  • Lack of protein in your diet
  • Anemia and iron deficiency
  • Too much vitamin A and vitamin B deficiency
  • Extreme weight loss in a short period of time

As you can see, many of these factors are diet and health related and the good news is that you can work on controlling these factors to show down or stop hair loss.

Laser Hair Therapy

Hair loss is a women’s issue, too. Our laser hair therapy for women is designed to help you overcome hair loss issues, and create a strong and healthy head of hair. Whether you are thinning out, noticing bald patches or are concerned your hair may begin to thin out, our laser hair therapy services will help you restore your hair and your confidence. Why? You can expect an increase in hair density, volume, and put a halt to future hair loss. Contact us today to book a consultation for women’s laser hair therapy, and take the first step to regenerating, thickening, and strengthening your hair.

Laser Hair Removal

Are you looking to remove unwanted hair from somewhere on your body? Whether it’s on your legs, underarms, face or even along your bikini line, laser hair removal may be just the right solution for you. Through a series of sessions, laser hair removal offers a permanent solution to your body hair issues, and allows you to save time and often money in the long run over shaving or waxing. Your hair type, thickness and the body area will affect pricing, and the amount of sessions needed. Call us today to see what your options are for laser hair removal.

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

Platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) is a nonsurgical treatment that is widely used in the medical field1–4. Among its many applications, PRP is often used as an “off label” treatment for hair loss.

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